4-week Disc Golf Workout


Whether you’re looking to lose weight or improve your disc golf game, try doing these workouts for the next 4 weeks to help build lean muscle and increase your metabolism. The best part? They don’t require a gym!

We recommend doing this routine 4 times a week, but it’s up to you and your schedule! If you’re new to working out, don’t worry, Sara Sinclair with Get Gritty Nutrition put together these four workouts to help you build that solid foundation. These workouts are tailored for helping disc golfers improve their game. After this 4-week workout, you’ll be throwing father and have better stamina!

Excited? Let’s break down the weekly gym workouts.

Week 1

Complete the exercises in each workout as straight sets. Meaning you do one set of T-Pushups for 40 seconds, rest for 20, do another set, rest, etc. until moving onto the next exercise.

Do each workout for 40 seconds with a 20 second rest between each set 4 times. If you want to make the workout harder, feel free to add weights where appropriate or do each set for 1 minute with a 20 second break.

These exercises are super quick and don’t require equipment. Just use household items to do these workouts! Watch the videos below to see how to perform each exercise.

13-minute Upper Body Workout

T-Pushups – Start in push-up position. Lower your body until your chest is almost touching the floor then push back up and rotate one side of your body, lifting the same side arm up. Return to the starting position and repeat with the opposite side.

Up Down Planks – Try to keep your back as straight as possible and abs tucked in. Keep your hips aligned with your body and not up in the air.

Chair Dips – Keep your feet hip-width apart and position your hands so your palms are beside your hips. Breath as you lower your body, bending your elbows to a 90 degree angle. Breathe out as you push back into the starting position.

Burn-Out Move – regular plank and hold for 1 minute.

13-minute Lower Body Workout

Jump Squats – Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down to a 90 degree angle keeping your knees aligned with your ankles. Jump up then return to the starting position. When squatting, tuck your hips in.

Alternating Reverse Lunges – Begin standing up with legs hip-width apart. Step backwards and bend your knee down to a 90 degree angle. Propel yourself back to the starting position. Repeat with the opposite leg.

Leg Lifts – Lay down on floor with arms by your side and legs flat on the floor. To help cushion your lower back, you can put your hands under your back or add a towel. Using your abs, lift your legs into the air. Breath out as you slowly lower your legs back to the floor.

Burn-Out Move – Pulse Squats for 1 minute.



Week 2

Complete the exercises in each workout as straight sets. Meaning you do one 40-second exercise, rest for 20, do another set, rest, etc. until moving onto the next exercise.

Do each workout for 40 seconds with a 20 second rest between each set 4 times. If you want to make the workout harder, feel free to add weights where appropriate or do each set for 1 minute with a 20 second break.

These exercises are super quick and don’t require equipment. Just use household items to do these workouts! Watch the videos below to see how to perform each exercise.

13-minute Core Workout

Full-range-of-motion Sit-Ups – Start by laying on the floor. Pull your chest and knees together using your abs. Be sure to keep your abs tight and pulled in when doing this motion. Slowly lower your body back to the starting position and repeat. Keep your neck relaxed during this exercise.

Mountain Climbers – Start in the push-up position. Bring your knee, one at a time, to your chest and then back again. Try to keep your back as straight as possible and abs tucked in.

Bicycle Abs – Lie on the ground with your face up and hands behind your head. Keep your abs tucked in. Lift your knees toward your chest with your shoulder blades off the floor. Take your right elbow to meet your left knee then repeat on the other side. Try to keep your neck relaxed and focus on twisting with your abs.

Burn-Out Move – Hollow-Body Hold and hold for 1 minute.

13-minute Cardio Workout

Burpees – Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart. Jump up then jump down into a push-up position. Beginners: when going into the push-up position, you can walk your legs back instead of jumping back.

High Knees – Begin standing up with legs hip-width apart. As fast as you can, bring one knee up at a time. Don’t forget to breathe!

Alternating Cross Jacks – Start standing up. Jump out while bringing one arm to the alternate leg (take your right arm down to try to touch the toes of your left leg). Return to start and repeat with the opposite side.

Burn-Out Move – Wall Sits for 1 minute.



Week 3

For this week, we will be repeating the workouts from Week 1, but with a twist. Complete the exercises in each week 1 workout as a circuit. Do not break between each exercise, do 1 set of T-pushups, 1 set of Up Down Planks, etc until you have done 1 set of each workout, excluding the burn-out move. After you have done 1 set of each workout, aka completed 1 circuit, then take a 20-second break.

Do each workout for 40 seconds with a 20-second rest between each round. If you want to make the workout harder, feel free to add weights where appropriate or do each exercise for 1 minute with a 20-second break after the circuit.

Week 4

Congrats! You’ve made it to the last week! For this week, we will be repeating the workouts from Week 2 but in a circuit style. For example, do 40-seconds of full-range-of-motion sit-ups, then immediately begin doing mountain climbers, then do bicycle abs. After completing all 3 exercises, take a 20-second break. Then repeat.

Picture of Genevive Young

Genevive Young

Recent graduate from Winthrop University and marketing associate for Innova Disc Golf.

These videos were provided by Sara Sinclair at Get Gritty Nutrition. 

Picture of Genevive Young

Genevive Young

Recent graduate from Winthrop University and marketing associate for Innova Disc Golf.

These videos were provided by Sara Sinclair at Get Gritty Nutrition. 

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